A FOREVER LEARNER 永不停止的學習是我的快樂

2013-11-20 and 11-21 彩虹族的商業講習會 "MANY FACES. ONE DREAM." at Marriott in Brooklyn

"Many faces. One dream." at Marriott Hotel in Brooklyn. 

11-20 7:00am
left to right: Larry, Jacqueline, Monique, Malcolm, and John
SBA Team

with Eugene Comelius, an ispiring speaker and leader

7:00pm Lobby 

The ceiling of the lobby

with Sharon J. Lettman-Hicks, CEO, National Black Justice Coalition

with Michael J. Brewer, NBJC

with Je-Shawna Wholley, NBJC

left to right: Ana, Denise, John, Liz, Lillie, Man-Li and Monique
Happy SBA NYDO Family