Asian Job Service Employer Committee
Special Event 2004-2006
01. Tuesday, June 29, 2004, 10am-3pm
Asian Job Fair工作博覽會
Sheraton Hotel Flushing Center 135-20 39 Ave., Flushing, NY 11354
02. Tuesday, October 5, 2004 11am-2pm
“Give Your Business the Edge” 勞工廳服務講座
Sheraton Hotel Flushing Center 135-20 39 Ave., Flushing, NY 11354
03. Tuesday, October 14, 2004, 11am-1pm
“Labor Law” Seminar in Korean 勞工法講座(韓語)
Labor Standards Investigator: Haing Bo Kim
Korean American Association of Greater NY,149 West 24th St, 6th floor, NY, NY 10011
04. Tuesday, November 9, 2004, 11am-1pm
“Labor Law” Seminar in Cantonese勞工法講座(廣東話)
Labor Standards Investigator: Gene Lee
Chinatown Community Center 62 Mott St., NY, NY 10013
05. Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2004, 8pm-9:30pm
“Labor Law” Seminar in Korean勞工法講座(韓語)
Labor Standards Investigator: Haing Bo Kim
Master Grill Restaurant, 34-09 College Point Blvd, Flushing, NY 11355
06. Tuesday, November 23, 2004, 11am-1pm
“Labor Law” Seminar in Mandarin勞工法講座(國語)
Senior Labor Standards Investigator: Andy Chan
World Journal 141-07 20 Ave., Whitestone, NY 11357
07. Wed, Jan. 19, 2005 11AM-2PM
“Protecting Your Unemployment Insurance Account” Seminar
Speaker: Richard Marino, Director
Unemployment Insurance Division Adjudication Services
Mandarin interpreter: Man-Li Lin
Metlife, 41-60 Main St. suite 303, Flushing, NY 11355
08. Tue, Feb. 1, 2005 11AM-2PM
“Protecting Your Unemployment Insurance Account “ Seminar
Speaker: Richard Marino, Director
Unemployment Insurance Division Adjudication Services
Cantonese interpreter: Richard Chung
Chinatown Community Center, 62 Mott St. 2nd floor, NY 10013
09. Tue, Feb. 22, 2005 2PM-4PM
“Employers Responsibilities under the Immigration Law” Seminar
Speaker: Shyconia Burden-Noten, Community Liaison Officer
US Department of homeland Security
Mandarin interpreter-Man-Li Lin
Sheraton Hotel, 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354
10. Tue, March 1, 2005 11AM-2PM
“Employers Responsibilities under the Immigration Law” Seminar
Speaker: Shyconia Burden-Noten, Community Liaison Officer
US Department of homeland Security
Cantonese interpreter-Gary Tai
Chinatown Community Center, 62 Mott St. 2nd floor, NY 10013
11. Thu, March 31, 2005 2PM-4PM
“Worker’s Compensation” seminar
Mandarin interpreter-Man-Li Lin
Sheraton Hotel, 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354
12. Thu, April 7, 2005 11AM-2PM
“Worker’s Compensation” seminar
Cantonese interpreter- Gary Tai
Chinatown Community Center, 62 Mott St. 2nd floor, NY 10013
13. Wed, May 25, 2005 10AM-3PM
The Second Asian Job Fair
Sheraton Hotel, 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354
14. Tue, June 14, 2005 2PM-4PM
“The NYSDOL Labor Standards Audit Process” Seminar
Mandarin interpreter- Man-li lin
15. Tue, June 21, 2005 11AM-2PM
“The NYSDOL Labor Standards Audit Process” Seminar
Cantonese interpreter-Gary Tai
Chinatown Community Center, 62 Mott St. 2nd floor, NY 10013
16. Tue, Sep. 13, 2005 2PM-4PM
“Overtime Regulation-Exempt/Non-Exempt Employee” Seminar
Mandarin interpreter- Man-Li Lin
17. Tue, Sep. 20, 2005 11AM-2PM
“Overtime Regulation-Exempt/Non-Exempt Employee” Seminar
Cantonese interpreter
Chinatown Community Center, 62 Mott St. 2nd floor, NY 10013
18. Tue, Oct. 11, 2005 2PM-4PM
“Legal Consequences: The key to Avoiding Liability for Employment Decisions”
19. Tue, Oct. 18, 2005 11AM-2PM
“Legal Consequences: The key to Avoiding Liability for Employment Decisions”
Chinatown Community Center, 62 Mott St. 2nd Floor, NY 10013
20. Nov. 23, 2005 6PM -10PM
Thanksgiving Dinner for Low Income Families
Taiwan Center
21. Dec. 16, 2005
Asian JSEC Awards Gala
Keynote Speaker: Elain Chow, the US Secretary of Labor
Sheraton Hotel, 135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY 11354
Man-Li conducted seminars at Flushing library and Chatham Square Library in Chinatown for job seekers for the years she worked at NYS Dept of Labor. Only two flyers were saved and found.
Chatham Square Branch Library presents
2004 Job Information Workshop Series
conducted in Mandarin
by Li Kuo Lin
Employment Service Representative
New York State Department of Labor, Department of Employment Services
April 10, 2004- “How to Find A Job”
May 15- “Using the Computer to find A Job”
May 29- “Resume and Cover Letter Writing Skills”
June 5- “Interviewing Skills”
June 12- “Interview Questions and Answers”
Saturdays 2:00 pm
Chatham Square Branch Library
33 East Broadway (near Catherine Street), New York, NY
The New York Public Library
Chatham Square Branch Library
2005 Job Information Workshop Series
conducted in Mandarin byMan-Li Kuo
Coordinator, Asian Job Service Employer Committee
May 21, 2005- “Resume Writing Skills”
May 28- “How to Find A Job”
June 11- “Using the Computer to find A Job”
June 18- “Interviewing Skills”
June 25- “Interview Questions and Answers”
Saturdays 1:00 pm-3:00pm
五月二十一日- “履歷表寫作技巧”
五月二十八日- “如何找工”
六月十一日- “如何上網找工作”
六月十八日- “工作面談技巧”
六月二十五日- “求職面談問題及答案”
06-29-2004 World Journal

7-21-04 Asian JSEC Steering Committee visited Chinatown.
President of Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Associatin of NY is the steering committee memeber which is the first time that the president of this organization is not the chair of a organization. Normally the president of CCBA is called the Chinatown Mayor.
1-19-05 "Protecting Your Unemployment Insurance Account" Seminar at Metlife, Flushing
Asian JSEC Steering Committee presented certification of appreciation to speaker Richard Marino, Director of Unemployment Insurance Division Adjudication Services.
2-1-2005 "Protecting Your Unemployment Insurance Account" Seminar at Chinese Consolated Benevolent Association of NY, Chinatown.
The business owners and the speaker.
2-22-2005 "Employers Responsibilities under the Immigration Law" seminar at Sheraton Hotel, Flushing.
Peter Koo presented the certificate to the speaker: Shyconia Burden-Noten, Community Liaison Officer, US Dept. of Homeland Security.
On 3-1-2005 the same semianr was held at Chinatown CCBA.
03-17-05 world Journal
Press Conference for promoting the Labor Standard Seminar on March 31 and April 7, 2005.
4-1-2005 World Journal
"Workers' Compensation" seminar at Sheraton Hotel, Flushing.
Peter Koo introduced the speaker: David Austin, NYS Worlers' Compensation Board Advocate for Business.
4-8-2005 World Journal
"Workers' Compensation" seminar at Chinatown CCBA.


04-21-05 Present Certificate of Appreciation to Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of NY
5-12-2005 epoch Times
Press Conference to promote the Second Asian Job Fair

【大紀元5月12日訊】(大紀元記者史靜紐約報導)由紐約州勞工聽就業服務處及「亞裔就業服務工商協會(Asian Job Service Employer Committee)」共同主辦的第二屆「亞裔工作博覽會」將於25日在法拉盛喜來登飯店舉行﹐屆時將有69個公司行號及政府機構招聘1300多個工作職位與職務。會長顧雅明在昨天(11日)宣佈這一消息時﹐強調求職者務必帶上至少30份簡歷﹐著合宜服裝前來。
顧雅明說﹐由於去年工作博覽會獲得各界好評﹐所以今年參展的公司行號甚至是政府機構都非常踴躍﹐籌委會不得不謝絕一些沒有工作機會只想來做宣傳的機構。除東森電視﹑協和門窗﹑安康寧大藥房等華裔公司外﹐還有花旗銀行﹑西北航空公司﹑帕克老人中心﹑STOP & SHOP COMPANY 等美國公司參加。
亞裔就業服務工商協會協調人﹑工作博覽會總策劃郭曼麗表示﹐去年前來的華人求職者穿著整齊﹐給參展單位印象深刻。大大提昇了華人在主流社會的形象。郭曼麗說﹐除衣著外﹐個人簡歷表亦是求職成功與否的重要條件之一。因此將於21日假中國城且林士果圖書館舉辦求職講座﹐介紹「簡歷表寫作技巧」。有需要者可於下週六下午 1點鐘前來 ﹐地址在東百老匯33號3樓。
第二屆「工作博覽會」將於25日上午10點至下午3點在法拉盛喜來登飯店舉行﹐歡迎求職者前來。法拉盛喜來登飯店地址﹕135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11354
05-25-05 The Second Asian Job Fair with NYS Dept of Labor officials and Ambassador Xia, Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in NY.

NYC City Councilman John Liu presented proclaimation to Asian JSEC.

Cake cutting ceremony to celebrate the Asian JSEC first anniversary.
6-8-2005 World Journal
Press Conference to promote the "Labor Standards Audit Process" seminar.
6-14-2005 "Labor Standards Audit Process" seminar at Sheraton Hotel, Flushing. Speaker: Richard Cucolo, Director, Division of Labor Standards.
On June 21, 2005 the same seminar was held at Chinatown.
8-10-2005 "Workplace Safety" seminar at Sheraton Hotel, Flushing.
Speaker: Chaya P. Cohen, Supering Industrial Hygienist, NYS DOL- DOSH Onsite Consultation
12-16-2005 Asian JSEC Awards Gala at Sheraton Hotel, Flushing.

4-6-2006 World Journal

4-7-2006 Epoch Times
Press Conference to promite the Third Asian Job Fair.

【大紀元4月6日訊】(大紀元記者史靜紐約報導)由紐約州勞工聽就業服務處及「亞裔就業服務工商協會(Asian Job Service Employer Committee)」共同主辦的第三屆「亞裔工作博覽會」將於5月17日在法拉盛喜來登飯店舉行﹐屆時將超過有60個公司行號及政府機構招聘多個工作職位與職務。會長顧雅明在昨天(5日)宣佈這一消息時﹐強調求職者務必帶上至少30份簡歷﹐著合宜服裝前來。
第三屆「工作博覽會」將於5月17日上午10點至下午3點在法拉盛喜來登飯店舉行﹐歡迎需要招聘的商家或求職者前來。法拉盛喜來登飯店地址﹕135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11354。(
亞裔工作博覽會華埠「暖身」5月17日登場 主辦單位中華公所舉行說明會
【本報記者朱文漢紐約報導】由紐約州勞工廳(NYS Department of Labor)撥款贊助、亞裔就業服務工商協會和紐約大都會韓裔社區服務中心(Korean Community Services of Metropolitan NY)聯合舉辦的「第三屆亞裔工作博覽會」將於5月17日登場。主辦單位昨日在紐約中華公所舉辦說明會,主要是希望在華埠招攬更多人才。
主辦單位提醒求職者穿著正式的面試服裝。如有公司機構有意免費在博覽會上設攤招聘人才,也可以與郭曼麗聯繫,電話:(212)621-0781 或電郵Man-Li.Lin@labor.state.ny.us。

顧雅明郭曼麗訪中華公所推介「亞裔工作博覽會」六十多家公司機構參與招聘會 亞裔尋找就業機會之良機
身為紐約州勞工廳就業服務代表的郭曼麗表示﹐成立於2004年5月的亞裔就業服務工商協會至今辦過18次講座﹐2次大型展覽會﹐今次的工作搏覽會將有60至70間公司機構參與﹐不少都是知名的大型商業機構﹐包括Target、Banana Republic、HSBC等﹐工種包括電腦、銀行、酒店、會計財務、護理、保安等行業﹐同時也有韓國公司參與﹐屆時不少的公司現場與找工者直接面試﹐因此希望求職人士把握這個機會﹐同時作好準備。
中華公所主席伍銳賢歡迎舉辦這些活動﹐替華人找到更多的工作機會。顧雅明表示﹐希望華人多參與這些求職活動﹐為自己找得更多的機會﹐紐約大都會韓裔社區服務主席金洸奭表示﹐在法拉盛有很多的中國人與韓國人﹐部份的韓國公司也需要聘用中國人﹐中國人社區與韓國社區都很有關連﹐因此當天無論對華人及韓國人來說﹐都是值得參與的。 5月17日舉行的2006年「亞裔工作博覽會」﹐在法拉盛的喜來登大酒店酒店舉行,從上午十時至下午三時。酒店地址:135-20 39th Ave, Flushing, NY11354。該博覽會同時歡迎各大機構參與﹐費用全免﹐查詢可電郵與郭曼麗聯絡﹐地址man-li.lin@labor.state.ny.us 。

工作博覽會5月17日法拉盛登場81家公司提供1200個職位 主辦單位籲至少準備30份履歷表
郭曼麗也建議求職者,至少帶30份履歷表,看到合適的工作主動遞履歷,為自己爭取好工作。 「第三屆工作博覽會」17日上午10時起在法拉盛喜來登大飯店2樓舉行,地址法拉盛39大道135-20號。
5-11-2006 Epoch Times
Press conference to promote the Third Asian Job Fair.

【大紀元5月11日訊】(大紀元記者史靜紐約報導)由紐約州勞工廳就業服務處及「亞裔就業服務工商協會(Asian Job Service Employer Committee)」共同主辦的第三屆「亞裔工作博覽會」將於17日上午10時至下午3時在法拉盛喜來登飯店舉行﹐屆時將有81個公司行號及政府機構招聘1,200多個工作職位與職務。會長顧雅明在昨天(10日)的記者會上﹐提醒求職者著合宜服裝﹐帶30份簡歷前來。
亞裔就業服務工商協會協調人﹑工作博覽會總策劃郭曼麗表示﹐去年前來的華人求職者穿著整齊﹐給參展單位印象深刻。大大提昇了華人在主流社會的形象。郭曼麗說﹐除衣著外﹐個人簡歷表亦是求職成功與否的重要條件之一。一定要事先準備好簡歷﹐因為每一份簡歷都將被輸入電腦﹐以便今後聯絡之用。 郭曼麗介紹說﹐今年81個公司行號及政府機構將要招聘的1,200多個工作職位包括家庭護理、警衛﹑計算機業、銀行、社服機構、媒體、服務業、教育業、保險業、食品業﹐並有征招經理人才。
歡迎求職者前往工作博覽會。法拉盛喜來登飯店地址﹕135-20 39th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11354。(http://www.dajiyuan.com)
5/11/2006 10:44:10 PM

If you walked up 39th Avenue last Wednesday morning past the Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel, you might have been a little surprised at the line of smartly dressed people queued up outside waiting to get in. It wasn't a casting call for the next season of "The Apprentice," but everyone in the line was hoping to hear a variation on Donald Trump's signature phrase, but with a positive twist. It's unlikely that a large majority of the 1,500 jobseekers who turned out for the NYS Department of Labor's (DOL) Asian Job Fair last week actually heard "You're hired!" on the spot, but all of them had the opportunity to impress recruiters from 81 different companies and government agencies with their experience, personality, and other qualifications."We've always been very successful recruiting people at job fairs," said Aleyda Meyers, a recruiter for New York City Transit, who added she goes to anywhere from 20 to 30 different job fairs a year. "We find everyone from high-level engineers to subway car cleaners."Meyers explained that she didn't know exactly how many people were hired from job fairs, because after they were recruited they needed to be interviewed and tested. She did say, though, that she usually finds between 100 and 200 qualified applicants at each fair she attends. The Asian Job Fair takes place annually, and regularly draws employment seekers in the thousands, which is likely why DOL is able to attract such high-profile employers as New York City Transit and other government agencies, like the NYPD and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, to name a few.But the fair also draws companies from the private sector that are looking for employees with all varieties of skills. For instance, Kingly Coach, Inc., was looking for bus drivers, while representatives from Starbucks were looking for assistant managers. The world of high finance also turns out, looking for qualified workers who can help them compete in a global market."My boss works in the Asian market," explained Hana Zimmerman of MetLife, "so we definitely come here looking for people who can speak Chinese and other Asian languages."Despite its name, the job fair is open to everyone, and draws people from all ethnicities, including Tom, a resident of Queens who declined to give his last name. He works in the IT industry, and heard about the job fair while visiting a DOL office. When asked if the job market was tight, he just smiled and looked around the room."I mean, look at all the people here today," he said.Tom, with his white hair and traditional navy-blue suit, is no stranger to the professional workforce. Increasingly, he is competing for the same jobs with recent college graduates, and in the case of Zuri Huang, college students.Huang will graduate from Syracuse University in less than a month with a degree in business management. A resident of Chinatown in Manhattan, she was trying to line up a job before she even received her diploma."It's really exciting, being here and getting to speak with all of these different companies," said Huang, who added that she just started attending job fairs. She heard about this one from a friend who saw it in the paper. "I really hope I find a job here."Meyers has a few tips for job seekers attending a big fair like the one at the Sheraton last week. The first piece of advice is to bring plenty of resumes and a pen. Then don't forget to smile, look the recruiter in the eye, and have a firm handshake. She also says to dress professionally. Avoid sneakers, for instance. The most important piece of advice though?"Don't ever, ever chew gum," she said. Perhaps the button-down world of an office job just isn't your style? Or maybe you don't envision yourself working in retail or at a sales job? What could a job fair possibly hold for you, you wonder? What about a job in show biz with the circus?Paul Peppers is the assistant to the director of Operations for Big Apple Circus. He said the company often attends job fairs to find people to work under the big tent, and the Asian Job Fair just happened to correspond with their stint in Cunningham Park in Queens. But don't think you are going to be taming lions, donning a clown outfit or flying through the air on the trapeze just yet. No, Peppers said Big Apple Circus is usually looking for people to do maintenance. "People think that it will be great working for the circus," Peppers said. "Unfortunately, they often get to the next town and realize that this isn't the job for them - with the close quarters and the travel - and then they quit."Hopefully for Peppers, there will be another job fair down the line.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Prior to this year's Asian Job Fair, the NYS Department of Labor hosted a breakfast for participating companies and local business leaders. In addition to providing the opportunity to network and fuel up for the big day, DOL also presented awards to four companies who had the highest hiring rate from last year's job fair.This year's recipients were Citibank, Crystal Window and Door Systems, Northwest Airlines, and the event's host, Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel.
1-20-2007 World Journal
Press conference to promote the Holiday Business Forum.
亞裔就業服務工商協會 辦新年餐會及工商講座
【本報記者那凌紐約報導】亞裔就業服務工商協會(Asian JSEC, Inc.)19日宣布,該協會將於2月9日舉行「增新知、迎新年餐會」,邀請中小企業業主歡慶新年,同時舉辦講座,提供經營管理相關的有用資訊。
聯邦中小企業管理署(SBA)商業發展專員郭曼麗表示,為加強企業勞工保險、稅收、外銷方面的知識,這項新年餐會上還有多家工商企業組織的代表舉辦講座。法拉盛華人工商促進會理事長顧雅明鼓勵民眾參加。應邀的組織包括紐約州稅務和財政廳(NYS Depart-ment of Taxation and Finance)、聯邦中小企業管理署(US Small Business Administration)、紐約州工傷賠償委員會(NYS Worker's Compensation Board)、紐約州勞工廳失業金負責部門(NYS Dept. of Labor Unemploy-ment Division Adjudication Services)、聯邦的出口協助中心(US Export Assistance Center)。講座內容包括買賣經營、失業保險金、購買因公事故的保險、稅務問題等。
1-23-2007 The Epoch Times
【大纪元1月23日讯】(大纪元记者史静纽约报导)亚裔就业服务工商协会(Asian JSEC, Inc.)将于2月9日晚7时举行“增新知、迎新年餐会”,协会会长顾雅明、秘书长郭曼丽19日召开记者会,邀请中小企业业主共庆新年。顾雅明说,聚餐的同时,还将举办讲座,为会员提供经营管理的相关资讯。
前纽约州劳工厅华裔专员,现联邦中小企业管理署(SBA)商业发展专员郭曼丽表示,此次“增新知、迎新年餐会”上的演讲人将邀请纽约州税务和财政厅(NYS Depart-ment of Taxation and Finance)、联邦中小企业管理署(US Small Business Administration)、纽约州工伤赔偿委员会(NYS Worker's Compensation Board)、纽约州劳工厅失业厅(NYS Dept. of Labor Unemploy-ment Division Adjudication Services)、联邦的出口协助中心(US Export Assistance Center)等部门的专家,内容包括买卖经营、失业保险金、购买因公事故的保险、税务问题等。希望加强企业劳工保险、税收等方面的知识。 顾雅明会长欢迎会员及非会员参加。餐会在法拉盛敦城海鲜餐厅举行,地址39大道133-30号,法拉盛购物中心对面。费用协会会员10元,非会员30元。有意参加者需在31日前与郭曼丽以电子邮件联系,邮件信箱:manlikuo@hotmail.com。

【本報記者徐佳紐約報導】亞裔就業服務工商協會9日舉辦「增新知‧迎新年餐會」,由來自聯邦中小企業管理署(SBA)、聯邦出口協助中心(US Export Assistance Center)和國稅局(Internal Revenue Service)的專家,向工商企業組織的代表們說明如何獲取貸款、省稅以及在中國做生意。
而來自國稅局的會計師布萊恩(Merle G. O'Brien)向大家說明如何將出差中的花費、招待客戶的費用以及禮品費用作為公司的運作成本,以減少交稅。
聯邦出口協助中心出口協助專員羅曼(David Roman)則介紹了聯邦政府為出口商提供的服務。他並著重介紹了該中心為有意出口商品到中國的企業可提供的貸款服務和開拓市場服務。