A FOREVER LEARNER 永不停止的學習是我的快樂

2009-09-24 Korea Daily 韓文日報登韓國女孩的創業故事

2009-9-24 Korea Daily
Man-Li and reporter from Korea Daily visited Katie Cheng, the owner of miomia. An SBA success story.

A Sluggish Economy Doesn’t Stink for EveryoneBrooklyn, NY---by John Miller
Despite the impact of the sluggish economy on their wallets, New Yorkers are not settling for dull skin, less-than-fresh body odors, and foul smelling apartments. At least that‟s the conclusion one could draw by watching the brisk business being done at Brooklyn‟s miomia apothecary.Located in Brooklyn‟s Williamsburg neighborhood, miomia defines itself as New York's first truly unisex apothecary. Offering high-quality, independently produced and cruelty-free products together with personalized customer care, and with a reputation for launching “under the radar” and much sought-after beauty and grooming products from around the world, miomia was recently named by New York Magazine as one of the top five beauty stores in the city.miomia owner, Katie Chang, began her entrepreneurial quest four years ago when she took note of the increasing number of “exfoliated metrosexuals,” and was also tiring of a corporate consulting gig. She already had a life-long passion for hunting down cutting-edge beauty and grooming products for both men and women, which even translated into her Master‟s thesis at Georgetown University, “The Emergent Male Grooming Trend.”Initially scared about starting her own small business, she also had to deal with traditional Korean parents. “Like so many immigrant parents, my mom and dad sacrificed above and beyond for my brother and me,” said Chang. “Their upbringing wasn‟t all roses, and it was fraught with challenges. I think it was painful for them to imagine me struggling as they did, especially when I had a safe and secure job to begin with.”But her decision made, and with the support of family and friends, Chang first contacted the U.S. Small Business Administration, which in turn referred her to its small business development center at Pace University. Chang used the SBA‟s online resources and the SBDC business counselors to help her build her business plan.Finding just the right store location for her concept was a huge consideration. At friends‟ recommendations she scouted Williamsburg and found the perfect location on Bedford AvenuePage 1 of 2in the hip „hood. In addition to the counter products such as Mario Badescu, Escentric Molecules, Knock Out Cosmetics, Cutler Hair Care, Histoires de Parfums, Armour Beauty, and McBride Beauty, the shop also offers celebrity make-up and brow services. And miomia‟s products aren‟t limited to New Yorkers and visitors to Williamsburg. They‟re also available online at: http://www.shopmiomia.com/How do her parents feel about Chang‟s success now? Chang said, “While they were hesitant at first to support my decision to leave corporate America, they are now, without doubt and happily so, my greatest fans and supporters.”###

미용전문점 미오미아의 케이티 장 사장(오른쪽)이 고객에게 상품을 설명하고 있다.
한인 2세 케이티 장(35)씨가 운영하는 미용제품 전문점 ‘미오미아(miomia)’가 뉴욕시의 주목을 받고 있다.최근 뉴욕매거진은 브루클린 윌리엄스버그 지역에 있는 미오미아를 뉴욕시 미용전문점 ‘톱5’에 선정했다. 400스퀘어피트의 작은 규모이지만 있지만 독특한 남·녀 미용제품 취급하면서 전세계에서 주문이 잇따르고 있기 때문이다.미오미아는 온라인(www.shopmiomia.com) 쇼핑몰을 통해 한국을 비롯 유럽과 미 전역의 주문을 받고 있다.또 미용업계에서도 효능이 뛰어난 다양한 제품들을 취급하는 업소로 평가돼 ‘타임아웃’ 매거진이나 각종 미용잡지에서 소개하고 있다.이 업소는 잘 알려진 유명 제품을 판매하는데 그치지 않고 뉴욕 등 일부 지역에서만 거래되는 천연 미용재료를 이용한 독특한 상품들을 구비한 것이 특징이다.케이티 장(35) 사장은 “문을 연지 4년밖에 안됐지만 맨해튼 등 멀리서 찾아오는 고객들이 많아졌다”며 “우리 업소에서만 판매되는 독특한 제품들이 고객들에게 좋은 반응을 얻은 것 같다”고 설명했다.연방소기업청(SBA)도 최근 미용업계에서 새롭게 주목을 받는 미오미아를 성공한 여성 비즈니스로 소개하기도 했다. 맨리 궈린 SBA 뉴욕담당자는 “미오미아는 소규모 여성 비즈니스의 모델”이라며 “경기침체에도 불구하고 SBA의 창업 자문을 통해 철저히 준비한 덕택에 좋은 결과를 가져왔다”고 평가했다.장 사장은 워싱턴 DC에서 보안 상담가 일을 접고 2006년 브루클린에 미용 전문점을 열었다. 조지타운대에서 ‘새로운 남성 미용 트렌트’라는 논문으로 석사학위를 받았다.