PENCIL spotlight featured Man-Li and principal of PS 29-Jamie Adams.
With spring around the corner, PENCIL partners—both old and new—are bringing their plans to fruition. Here's a look at what some of them are accomplishing.

History™ & the High School of American StudiesOn President's Day, students from the High School of American Studies in the Bronx got a front-row seat for a lesson on George Washington at the New York Historical Society, led by Pulitzer Prize–winning author David McCullough. Mr. McCullough's lecture was aired on a webcast produced by History™ for the Constitutional Project. The school, which is headed by Principal Alessandro Weiss, has been partnered with Dr. Libby O'Connell, Senior Vice President of Corporate Outreach and Chief Historian, History™, for the past five years. After answering students' questions, Mr. McCullough taught students how to use electronic documents on the website in their history studies. The event is just one example of Dr. O'Connell and Principal Weiss' efforts to enhance the school's academic focus, which is a popular objective among PENCIL partners.

United States Small Business Administration & PS 29Man-Li Lin, Business Development Specialist at the United States Small Business Administration, and Principal Jamie Adams of PS 29 in Queens have kicked off their partnership with cultural flair. In keeping with Ms. Lin's Chinese heritage and the school's high population of Chinese-American students, the partners decided to celebrate the Chinese New Year together in February. Ms. Lin performed traditional stories for the entire student body through dance and Tai Chi. Shortly after, Ms. Lin held a workshop at the Poppenhusen Institute for students and parents on origami and ribbon dancing. Ms. Lin and Principal Adams explain that these events are helping students and their families build a sense of cultural pride. Find out how other partners are focusing on parent involvement.

Neuman Catering & Truman High SchoolLong-time PENCIL partner Paul Neuman, President and Founder of the catering company Neuman's, recently organized a full-day field trip with Principal Sana Nasser of the Bronx's Truman High School for students in the culinary arts program. The first stop on the itinerary was the French Culinary Institute, where students participated in a cooking demonstration. They then took tours of Dean & Deluca and Mr. Neuman's own company. Mr. Neuman shared job-searching and resume tips, and introduced them to the Dean of Admissions at the French Culinary Institute. The field trip is part of the partners' broader goal to develop the school's culinary arts program and provide mentors to students. Discover how other partners have provided career awareness opportunities to students.

Merrill Lynch & PS 143First-year partners Kevin McGovern, Director, Global Infrastructure Solutions at Merrill Lynch and Principal Shelia Gorsky of PS 143 in Queens have implemented a financial literacy workshop series for a group of fifth-grade students. The five-session series, which began in January, is based on Merrill Lynch's "Investing Pays Off" curriculum for teaching financial concepts at schools across the country. Topics include budgeting tips, how to open a savings account and setting realistic financial goals. The series has been so popular with students that the partners have helped them form a stock market club, which draws on many of the skills they are learning. Find out what some of Merrill Lynch's other 70-plus partners are collaborating on.
Feb. 15, 2008 Man-Li performed at PS 29 to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
Published on World Journal (刊登於世界日報)家園小品 on Dec. 18, 2007
Public Education Needs Civic Involvement in Learning (PENCIL)是一個結合民間企業界幫助紐約市各級公立學校學生更進步的非營利組織,它的目標是要所有的紐約市高、中、小學得到各界財務、技術以及人力資源上的協助。每年最盛大的活動是「」,由各專業人士到學校擔任一日校長,認識學校,揭開一年實際合作的開始。
接下來的活動是在圖書館中念書給二年級及一年級的學生聽。我事先考慮了許多書,但是最後到公共圖書館挑了兩本與家庭有關的書。給二年級念的書是「A Letter from My Little Brother」,給一年級念的書是「Are you my mother?」我發現當天各班老師們都把亞裔學生安排坐在前排,可能是平常沒有受到的特別照顧,也可能他們覺得有位亞裔的一日校長很光榮,所以他們都顯得非常興奮。當我念書的過程中,有一位華裔小女生頻頻舉手發言,幾乎佔用了一半的時間,她的老師一直想中斷她的發言,但我阻止了她的老師。我想這可能是那名小女孩最勇敢的一刻,希望她面對未來的人生時,能永遠記得那一天。
接下來的活動是在圖書館中念書給二年級及一年級的學生聽。我事先考慮了許多書,但是最後到公共圖書館挑了兩本與家庭有關的書。給二年級念的書是「A Letter from My Little Brother」,給一年級念的書是「Are you my mother?」我發現當天各班老師們都把亞裔學生安排坐在前排,可能是平常沒有受到的特別照顧,也可能他們覺得有位亞裔的一日校長很光榮,所以他們都顯得非常興奮。當我念書的過程中,有一位華裔小女生頻頻舉手發言,幾乎佔用了一半的時間,她的老師一直想中斷她的發言,但我阻止了她的老師。我想這可能是那名小女孩最勇敢的一刻,希望她面對未來的人生時,能永遠記得那一天。