早上兩小時到布朗士區講座, 又趕了兩小時到皇后區的韓國人活動, 晚上再花兩小時回家, 到家已經十點了. 原來這活動訂十月十日的, 很敬佩獨資舉辦這活動的辛先生堅持不懈, 因為政府關門他損失了很多錢, 他還是沉穩地完成了這次專為韓國社區而辦的講座.
It took me 2 hours to get to Lehman College in the Bronx "Access to Capital" 10am to 12 noon, then two hours to The First Korean Small Business Expo in Flushing from 2pm to 6pm. Thanks to all the speakers for the "Financing Panel", "Procurement Panel" and from FDA |
Left to right: Janice, GSA; Tamara, The Leading Niche; Emmanuel, NYC SBS; Dilcia, FDA |
Left to right: Tae Gil Lee, Woori Bank; Marco, Accion USA |
Right: Annie Shin, KCS |
Mike Shin, the sponsor of this event |
Left: Mr. Ahn, the event planner |
Thanks to Annie for her translaitons and her friendship |
Thanks to Mike for initiated, sponsored and coordinated this event. This event was postponed because of the government shut down and his persistance made it a big success. |